Hey! Thanks for stopping by! I am Matías, I am a 37 year-old System Engineer and Master in Finance.

I have been developing IT solutions professionally for the last 18 years, but I started programming computers as a hobby even before that, when I was only 6. It’s been almost 30 years since I took my first Commodore 128 and copied a few lines of code into it. For some reason I still love it!

I am based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and for the last 15 years I have been working with very distributed teams on projects around the globe. I love working with people from different countries, backgrounds and cultures.

Over the past few years, because of the projects I took part in, I have gained a lot of experience in the finance, e-commerce and retail industries.

Technologically speaking, I have experience in a lot of languages, platforms and frameworks. You can find them on the skills section of this website.

Whether you have an ongoing project that you need help with, or you just want to meet and be in touch for future opportunities, don’t hesitate to send me a message

Doctor Sapix
In 2009, while I was finishing my Master`s degree in Finance, I co-founded Doctor Sapix, a boutique software factory fully focused on developing software products and services for the capital markets industry. I have been part of the development of an amazing product: Doctor Sapix Portfolio Manager, which is used today by some of the top multi family offices and private bankers in Argentina. If you want a demo of this product's features or code, just let me know. I love to show this product, which is mainly developed on .NET, MySQL, Adobe Flex, ActionScript, and it is a completely cloud based project running on Amazon AWS: EC2, RDS, S3
Toptal LLC
In 2014 I became part of the Toptal developers network. After testing the candidates with algorithm challenges and interviews, Toptal accepts only 3% of the applications in order to guarantee the quality of its freelancers and offer the best developers to customers that are willing to outsource their projects. You can find my toptal profile here!
Giving back trough software development was something that I had always wanted to do. This year, by being part of TopVolunteer, a new project led by Toptal, I was able to help with Relay, their new platform that connects people in refugee camps. I recommend that you visit both TopVolunteer and Refunite to learn more about these projects!. Python, Node and AWS are some of the technologies that this project is based on.
MPEG LA is a firm based in Denver, Colorado that licenses patent pools. I helped them to create a Big Data repository that stores millions of lines of code for different decompiled Android Apps in order to analyze and detect the use of different components and patents. The tool that we created allows the end user to decompile thousands of APK files alltogether, and search inside the source code for different keywords and complex searches. This product has been built with C# and MySQL
Data Science + AI
This year I have been very enthusiastic about learning some topics and technologies that I had wanted to study for a long time. I am excited about different online learning platforms, which I think are great in order to keep studying. You can find the certificates that I got this year here:

DAT236x: Deep Learning Explained
DSE200x: Python for Data Science
Invector Labs
Invector Labs is a network of high performance freelancers fully focused on AI projects and cloud computing. This year I worked with them in order to develop a NLP tool for their customer Hotel Connections. We used state of the art technologies like LUIS, Amazon Lex, DynamoDB, Lambda, and ElasticSearch in order to produce a tool capable of identifying popular questions asked to hotels, and giving an automated answer.
Sanders & Phillips
I started helping Sanders & Phillips, a top US based legal firm, with one small finance related project (.NET, MVC, Azure, SQL Server), and I became a Project Manager in charge of many different projects developed by a very globally distributed freelancers team. I have been part of a major migration from the legacy management software used by the firm to Salesforce, which was a very challenging experience.
Pro Av Dealer
I worked with Pro AV Dealer in order to implement their magento website ( and the integration of this website with their custom order management system. Some of the technologies involved on this project were Magento SOAP API, PHP, MySQL, EC2, Paypal API.
AV Toy Store
I helped AV Toy Store with the maintenance and enhancement of their e-commerce website. Some of the technologies involved on this project were Python, Heroku, Paypal API.
I have helped Simone EMS with some of their many E-Commerce features, most of them focused on synchronizing data from and to the different marketplaces which interoperate with their product: Amazon, Ebay, Jet, Walmart, Sears, Mercado Libre, Rakuten among others. I have gained a lot of experience with regard to e-commerce and the retail industry, and I have been exposed to most of the APIs that these marketplaces offer.
ORT Argentina
In 2013 I took a position as a part-time professor in ORT Argentina, the same institution where I had obtained my high school degree 15 years before. The subject I participated in is the last one of the programming major, and my role was to guide and mentor the students in order to help them to deliver their final programming project on time
Just for fun and learning purposes, I developed a robot controller for an Arduino car. This controller is capable of remembering actions and executing them in the future, e.g., you can program a set of movements for each engine, turn on/off the sensors, etc. The car is controlled by using a C# app that connects with the car by using serial communication over Bluetooth.
ManageUP is a startup that offers a web solution that allows health institutions to administer their resources in a more effective way. I collaborated with ManageUP in designing and developing the architecture of the backend that they offer to their customers. This project was developed in C#, ASP.NET MVC, SQL Server and Azure.
For Aviata, I developed an OS X desktop app intended to be installed on thousands of computers in order to conduct surveys and measure the user experience of customers of specific hardware devices. It was my first experience with xCode and Objective C, so it was very interesting and challenging.
Nexton Labs
I helped this boutique software factory with some .NET + Node software tools for different U.S clients. One of these projects ( was related to state governments
For eZenics, I have developed different tools in C#, mostly related to the analysis of energy consumption. These tools are used to minimize the cost of energy in large buildings.
In 2010 I developed, a web application fully focused on analyzing the different fixed rate instruments offered in Argentinian capital markets. The access to this tool was offered under a SaaS agreement, and it was used by different brokerage firms and investment advisors in order to access information that was not available in Argentina at that time. The tool was developed in .Net, C#, SQL Server and Adobe Flex. The tool is not currently online, but it is still being used in private servers and can be shown under request.
Sappco LLC
In 2003, when I was 22, I co-founded Sappco LLC, a boutique software factory specially aimed at outsourcing software components and development services for European and American companies. I quit my data warehousing position at Coca Cola and started, for the first time, to work remotely for different clients. In Sappco we managed to work for top companies in Spain and The Netherlands, especially by developing .NET solutions. In 2009 Sappco LLC became Doctor Sapix, a software factory specialized in finance solutions, mainly focused on the capital markets industry.
In 2002 I worked on different projects related to Data Warehousing, OLAP and ETL systems. Those projects were developed for different clients of Comsoft, a Business Intelligence related software factory. Some of those clients were top local and international companies, like Coca Cola, Alto Paraná, Siderar and Tenaris, among others.
In 2000, after finishing high school, I got my first job in software development in BHDM, a boutique software factory mainly focused on developing websites and marketing actions for top US clients like Discovery Channel, Hewlett Packard and Saatchi & Saatchi among others.
Capital Markets
SQL Server
Entity Framework
Web APIs
Amazon MWS
Ebay API
UTDT (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella)
Master's degree in Finance (Capital Markets track)
UTN (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional)
System Engineer
ORT Argentina
Technical High School degree (IT/Software Development track)